
  • Become aware of how each chakra has impacted your motherhood journey and the way you show up as a parent.

  • Get clarity on the key areas to work on to clear old energetic patterns and become the Empress Mama you’re meant to be.

  • Learn practices to recenter and remove what’s blocking you from stepping into your full power as a woman, mom, and leader.

  • Develop your intuition and trust it to make the best decisions for you and your family so that you create new legacies.


Short videos to introduce each chakra, practices, journaling prompts, affirmations, and key takeaways

    1. CIM - RC - Practice 2

    2. CIM - RC - Key Takeaways

    3. CIM - RC - Prompts

    4. CIM - RC - Practice 1

    5. Root Chakra

    1. CIM - SC - Key Takeaways

    2. CIM - SC - Prompts

    3. CIM - SC - Practice 1

    4. Sacral Chakra

    1. CIM - SPC - Practice 1

    2. CIM - SPC - Prompts

    3. CIM - SPC - Practice 2

    4. Solar Plexus Chakra

    5. CIM - SPC - Key Takeaways

    6. CIM - SPC - Practice 3

    1. CIM - HC - Practice 1

    2. CIM - HC - Key Takeaways

    3. CIM - HC - Prompts

    4. Heart Chakra

    1. CIM - TC - Practice 1

    2. CIM - TC - Prompts

    3. Throat Chakra

    4. CIM - TC - Key Takeaways

    5. CIM - TC - Practice 2

About this course

  • $77.00
  • 34 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content


5 star rating

Eye opening

Adrianna Dougherty

An eye opening course to delve into each chakra. Chiara talks about how each chakra has an emotional tie, how that can specifically affect everyone in either...

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An eye opening course to delve into each chakra. Chiara talks about how each chakra has an emotional tie, how that can specifically affect everyone in either a negative way or in a very good way. She goes into detail quite a bit, but I didn’t find it overwhelming. Just to the point and helpful guiding points to look within at the blocks we may have residing within us. I had a few things to think about that popped up that I felt was important to come into my awareness with this course. Thanks Chiara!

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Start your Empress Mama journey today!

Your teacher

Chiara Townley is a mom coach and spiritual healer. In 2019, she had her first child and experienced PPD/A. She healed herself by deeply connecting with her emotions at the body level through the chakra system. 

Now she helps sophisticated, ambitious, and spiritual women use motherhood as a portal to step into their feminine power, confidence, and intuition and become the Empress Mama they're meant to be.

Learn more at and see all reviews on Google Maps, as Chiara Townley LLC - Mom Coach, based in Portland, OR.